OCIA Sponsors

Becoming an OCIA sponsor is an important and rewarding role in helping individuals on their journey to join the Catholic faith. The OCIA process requires that every inquirer have a sponsor. Many inquirers may not know any Catholics, so there is always a need for sponsors to support these individuals as they explore the Catholic faith. Sponsors are not expected to be experts on the Church, but rather to be companions and guides for the inquirers as they prepare to receive the initiation sacraments. Sponsors introduce the inquirer to the parish and accompany them to Mass, social gatherings, and other events, serving as a representative of the Church.

The responsibilities of a sponsor include being present for the candidate at various rites throughout the process and attending OCIA sessions whenever possible. By guiding the inquirer, sponsors also have the opportunity to revisit the teachings of the Church and strengthen their own faith, fostering a deeper love for God, their neighbor, and their faith.

  • To be eligible, individuals must be a minimum of 16 years of age, have received the sacrament of confirmation, lead a life characterized by prayer and faith, and be in good standing with the Catholic Church.
  • If you are not a registered member of OLPH, please consult Edith Jankowski, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation at OLPH.
  • One of the initial OCIA classes will feature a session on the responsibilities of being a sponsor.
  • To obtain more information, reach out to Edith Jankowski, Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation at OLPH.

Sponsor/Godparent Application